Friday, October 18, 2013

Fix Me Doc

Give, give, give ...  More, more, more...  Give More !?!

For 19 years I gave all of me to every patient (2 legged or 4 legged).  No matter what their dis-ease, I felt responsible to fix them physically and emotionally. To open their minds to new ways of thinking and living.  I expected myself to be able to know what was wrong even without the luxury of all the fancy medical testing.  I never thought I had done enough. Thus, continuing to give until I was empty.  Boy, what lucky patients.  At the end of a visit I hoped they were leaving the office healed, guided, educated, and supported to be able to travel on a road to better health.  What a lesson.  Now I grapple with how to use my gifts and talents to help others without causing harm to myself in the process.