How would you feel if someone told you that you have accomplished all the goals you had set to do in this lifetime? Would you feel - Happy? Relieved? Surprised? Shocked? In disbelief? Sad........?
What does even mean since most of us would say that we are not famous or rich.
Each of us has come into this world for a purpose. Sometimes the purpose is for us to learn something, experience certain things, meet certain people, resolve some issue. We can also come here to be of service to others. Serving others can look very different, so different that one might think their life is a failure because they have not achieved all the outward accolades that our society attributes to success or accomplishment. Have you ever considered that just by being present in another person's life can provide that person with the learning opportunities they need to fulfill their destiny? Take for instance an individual that drinks, smokes and does not possess the highest values. They might provide the opportunity for those around them to strive to be better people. We have learned to look at that person as bad, worthless, a burden to family and society. But, could they really be saving the lives of those around them? Humm.... Conversely, a person that is just going through life trying to be the best spouse/partner, parent, student, coworker, teammate might inspire others simply by their presence. This concept has recently made me think about how important it is NOT TO JUDGE ANYONE. We have no idea their highest calling. We are all here to fulfill a purpose and who am I to judge another person's worth or validity.
So, back to the original question - How would you feel if you were told that you have accomplished your goals for this lifetime? I think I would feel relieved!! All the voices in my head pushing me to do more and be more because I was afraid I wasn't enough, I could turn off. I could breathe a sigh of relief!!!! Now what? Do I stop living? Do I pack it in? Or imagine this - LIVE LIFE. ENJOY LIFE!! I have nothing to prove and nothing to lose. It is all a bonus from now on.
Reflecting back on the previous years I think that I thought I knew what was important. What it meant to be a success. But, in reality I knew nothing. That is why it is extremely important to appreciate the fact that how one carries themselves, conducts themselves, interacts and treats themselves and everyone around them is the most important. We have no idea how our actions, words or inactions will affects others and ourselves.