Monday, March 24, 2014


Who came up with the idea that you had to work hard to achieve what you want in life?

Maybe we are working hard because we are pushing to achieve what we think we want.

If we are in harmony with our divine plan maybe it would be easy - almost effortless?

If we are in tune with the divine then we would be in resonance with all we need.  It would just show up.  Kind of like when you put a magnet in a pile of metal shavings and the shavings all line up around the appropriate pole of the magnet.  The opposite pole has no shavings; in fact, they have been pushed away and are all scattered in various directions. Surely you can manually gather up the shavings but they will never be attracted to the magnet.  It will take time, energy and effort to keep them there.

Just because we have the physical, mental or emotional power to do something does not mean it is the best thing for us to be doing.

When we are in the current of life, going along on our divine path it can seem almost effortless.

I remember riding a kayak down the river a that the Lehigh Gorge.  When I stayed in the main channel of the river my only job was to keep the boat straight and the river current kept me moving forward. Yes, I still had to participate in the process, otherwise I meandered off course and it took a lot of effort to get back into the flow.  As long as I was in the channel, the river kept me moving in the correct direction.  Maybe life is the same.